Event Recaps

College Tour: Issue One to Visit Indiana University

  • Tevon Blair

Indiana University is next on Issue One’s college tour to discuss why bipartisan political reform should be a major topic of conversation for the nation’s students. On Wednesday, April 3, Issue One ReFormers Caucus (RFC) Co-Chairs former Amb. Tim Roemer (D-IN) and former Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN) will engage with undergraduate and graduate students and faculty at the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies in Bloomington, Indiana for an all-day visit.

There will be a public lecture at 5:45 p.m. ET in the Shreve Auditorium on ‘Divided Government: Bipartisan Dysfunction, Bipartisan Solutions.’ Led by Roemer and Wamp, this will be an interactive discussion on how elected leaders must be willing to place ‘country over party’ in a divided government to end the dysfunction of the broken political system. Roemer and Wamp will go in-depth on why they joined the movement for bipartisan political reform and support the work of Issue One. Former Rep. and member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council Lee H. Hamilton (D-IN) will be introducing Roemer and Wamp during the opening of the lecture.

Before the lecture, students will have the opportunity to talk with the RFC co-chairs about their experiences in politics and to learn more about why bipartisanship and fixing the system are so important. This event is co-sponsored by the Indiana University Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, Civic Leaders Center, and the Political and Civic Engagement program.

“We must engage with the next generation and turn the reins of our Republic over to them as soon as possible,” said Wamp.

“Reforming and restoring our representative democracy to the American people is at the top of all the priority lists for 2020 presidential candidates. Most voters feel the special interests and wealthy are tipping the scales for unequal access to government policy,” said Roemer. “Visiting colleges and universities is key to listening to a vital constituency and helping us successfully address our problems.”

Earlier this year, Issue One visited the University of Tennessee Howard Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy in Knoxville, Tennessee. Amb. Roemer joined in Issue One Executive Director Meredith McGehee, along with Senior Political Strategist Weston Wamp and ReFormers Caucus member former Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-TN), for a discussion on bipartisan issues.   

Issue One hopes to continue these visits in combination with the organization’s ongoing advocacy campaigns. Universities in Iowa and New Hampshire may be the next stops on the College Tour!