Legislation & policy analysis

Strong bipartisan election security measures poised to become law

  • William Gray

As Congress and the president prepare to strengthen election security before the end of the year, Issue One CEO Nick Penniman issued the following statement:  

“This week, the House and Senate proved they can agree on one thing: Securing our elections. The nearly half a billion dollars in additional federal funding for states to is a significant down-payment in the fight to protect our nation’s election infrastructure, and provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) put Russia, China, Iran, and others who would interfere in our politics on notice that we will respond with tough measures. We are proud to have supported the tireless efforts of Senators like James Lankford (R-OK), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), and other Republican and Democratic leaders who fought for these bills.

In the new year, Congress must conduct oversight of how this money is being spent, create minimum federal standards for election security, and take up more bipartisan proposals like the Honest Ads Act that would fix our broken political system.”

Issue One has been fighting to stop foreign interference and secure more funding for states to protect our elections as part of our “Don’t Mess With US” project. Learn more at www.dontmesswithus.org.