What Can We Trust? Unpacking the Latest Big Tech Hearing



The leaders of the largest Big Tech companies once again came to Washington, D.C., this time to answer to Congress for their failures to protect children online. On Tuesday, February 6, Issue One’s Council for Responsible Social Media (CRSM) brought together Facebook whistleblowers Frances Haugen and Arturo Béjar to unpack this hearing: What we can trust, what we can’t, and what Congress can do.

Frances and Arturo are tech experts and leaders who both made the brave decision to blow the whistle on Big Tech after learning how much harm they were hiding from the American people. There are no two better voices to help unpack this hearing and highlight the steps that Congress can take to hold these companies accountable.

The discussion was moderated by Linda Douglass, CRSM member and former communications director in the White House’s Office of Health Reform.

Watch the event recording.