Press releases

Issue One submits public comment to FCC in support of proposed rulemaking on AI-generated content disclosure

Media Contact

Cory Combs

Director of Media Relations

Yesterday, Issue One submitted a public comment to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in support of a proposed rulemaking that would create commonsense guidelines for campaigns regarding the use of AI in political ads. Proposed rulemaking No. 24-211 would require the disclosure of AI-generated content in political communications and would help protect election officials across the country who are often the first line of defense against false election information.

“A trustworthy information ecosystem is the bedrock of a functioning democracy: If voters are unsure whether they can trust the information in front of them, it undermines informed decision-making and the overall health of our democratic processes” wrote Liana Keesing, campaigns manager at Issue One.

The comment included three aspects of the rulemaking that Issue One particularly supports: requiring both on-air disclosures and written disclosures in broadcasters’ political files when AI-generated content is used; the extension of these disclosure requirements to both candidate and issue advertisements; and extending these requirements to all relevant content carriers, not only broadcasters, under the FCC’s jurisdiction.

“We believe that these measures have the potential to enhance transparency and protect voters from deceptive practices. We urge the commission to adopt these rules and to continue its efforts to safeguard the integrity of our elections in the face of rapidly evolving technological challenges.”

The comment period ends on September 4, after which the FCC will decide whether it will develop rules governing AI-generated content disclosures.

Read our full public comment.