Issue One updates

ReFormers Caucus One Year Recap

  • Blake Hollister

In an exciting first year of work the ReFormers have helped move money in politics to the front of the political debate. 

One year ago former members of Congress on Issue One’s Advisory Board invited fellow former members to learn more about Issue One’s work, and invited them to join the fight to reduce the power of money in American politics. Twenty-one former members gathered and responded enthusiastically to the invite, and in the weeks that followed, the ReFormers Caucus was born.

Caucus Growth

  • Last March there were 17 former members of Congress and governors on Issue One’s Advisory Board.
  • Since then, the Caucus has rapidly grown to more than 130 members.
  • ReFormers hail from almost every state of the union, and from across the political spectrum. The Caucus has maintained its bipartisan balance, with about one-third of its members being Republicans.

Caucus Activities

ReFormers have participated in a variety of activities in the last year, and have helped move the money-in-politics issue to the forefront of the political debate:

The ReFormers Caucus has been working hard to elevate the money-in-politics conversation and to ensure that fixing our democracy is a top priority for whoever takes office in January. Here’s to a transformative year two.