Event Recaps

Issue One hosts post-election panel on how faith can help heal our divided nation

  • Evan Ottenfeld

“The real common denominators in life, like our faith, overshadow political party — especially if you’re willing to enter those conversations and let your guard down a little bit.” – Weston Wamp

In the aftermath of a historically polarizing election, Issue One held the second in a series of virtual summits with faith leaders exploring the intersection of faith and democracy. Titled “Where Do We Go From Here?,” the conversation focused on how faith communities can heal our fractured nation.

Hosted by Issue One ReFormer’s Caucus Co-chairs Rep. Zach Wamp and Amb. Tim Roemer along with Issue One Senior Political Strategist Weston Wamp, the event featured a discussion with:

  • Mindy Belz, senior editor at WORLD Magazine
  • Pastor Jentezen Franklin, evangelical adviser to President Trump
  • Pastor Angel Maldonado, co-founder of AND Campaign
  • Lauren Noyes, executive director of Faith & Law

Watch a recording of the event:

Click here to read a transcript of the event. 


Pastor Jentezen Franklin:

“We’ve got to model — those of us with influence, those of us that people see and follow — we have got to model unity. We have got to reach out and show in every way that we can, that we’re enlarging our circle of love. That I just don’t want people in my life who think like I think, see what I see, agree with what I agree with, but can I know, and can I go to lunch or can I put a picture on Instagram of a friend who is totally the opposite of what I believe politically? And it can’t be fake. It’s got to be an authentic Christ love that says, ‘I care about you.’”

Pastor Angel Maldonado:

“We’re going into the holidays, we’re going home to see family and friends. And instead of going and trying to push our agendas or trying to win arguments, why don’t we go and try to serve, try to understand, and ultimately for the purpose of winning souls, which is more important than winning elections and winning ideological arguments.”

Mindy Belz:

“I think we just need to figure out our orbit. Are we orbiting around these issues or what’s at the center for us? What is our sun? And so for me, personally as a journalist who also is a believer, I’m grateful for these last few years because I have had to cultivate the discipline of opening my Bible before I opened Twitter.” 

Lauren Noyes:

“What we are trying to get across at Faith & Law is that we as Christians need to come together in all of our various public policy solutions, but say, ‘Hey, let’s look at each other’s hearts. Let’s get to know one another. Let’s be friends, let’s build some common ground and care for one another.’  And that is when we will be a light. And that is when we will well represent the gospel of Jesus, one who is represented as a servant leader who humbled himself.”

Former Amb. Tim Roemer:

“Now more than ever, it’s more important for people of faith and respect and hope to be in public service, whether as Angel said at the local level or at the national level. Trying to show people by example that the basis of faith, as well as our country and our founders, is to respect one another, and to listen to one another, and to explore where we have common ground.”

Former Rep. Zach Wamp:

“This whole year has shown us if you got used to the way things were, they’re not always going to be that way. If you think that everything happens in the spring, no, this year, some things are going to happen in the fall. Up is down, left is right. This is a year where God is saying, ‘You’re not in charge guys. I am. So look to me, don’t look to the president.’ I’m grateful for the policies that we’ve seen, as a conservative, but I’m not going to look to him, as much as I respect the presidency. It’s not about a party, it’s really about the need to reset. We all need to reset our eyes. That’s what this year is, that’s what the season is, I believe. We’re entering into it. I think Mindy’s right, we may have to go through darkness to find light, but we’ve got to quit looking in the wrong places.”

Issue: Faith