Legislation & policy analysis

Rep. Gregory Steube (R-FL) co-sponsors the Political Accountability and Transparency Act

  • William Gray

Republican Rep. Gregory Steube (FL-17) co-sponsored bipartisan legislation that ensures the public knows who is trying to influence their vote in elections and prevents lawmakers from abusing leadership PAC funds. 

Issue One Executive Director Meredith McGehee said, “We applaud Congressman Steube for working in a bipartisan fashion to help everyone know who’s spending money to influence our elections.”

The original sponsors of PATA include Congressional Reformers Caucus Co-chairs Kathleen Rice (D-NY), Mike Gallagher (R-WI), and Derek Kilmer (D-WA). There are now six total sponsors of the legislation — three Republicans and three Democrats.

The Political Accountability and Transparency Act will help better equip the public with the information they deserve to know when making choices about candidates and elections by:

  • Stopping flagrant abuse of campaign finance restrictions by strengthening coordination rules so super PACs truly operate independently from candidates for office.
  • Requiring political advertisements to disclose the top donors to the organization paying for the advertisements.
  • Prohibiting politicians from abusing leadership PAC funds for their personal gain by clarifying that the “personal use” restriction on campaign funds applies to all political committees, including leadership PACs. Issue One and the Campaign Legal Center revealed widespread abuse of leadership PACs by members of Congress increasingly using the funds for five-star dinners, high-end vacations, and country club memberships, all under the guise of “fundraising expenses.”

Click here to learn more about PATA.