Event Recaps

Republicans and Democrats to Push President Obama on Dark Money

  • Kelly Ngo
<p>Gov. Jon Hunstman / Photo by Gage Skidmore / Flickr</p> (Jon Huntsman)

Gov. Jon Hunstman / Photo by Gage Skidmore / Flickr

(Jon Huntsman)

Next Tuesday, during a telepress conference, Republican and Democratic former lawmakers will call on President Obama to issue an executive order that would require federal contractors to disclose their political spending.

Speakers include former Governor Jon Huntsman (R-UT), Sec. of Transportation Ray LaHood (R-IL)[invited], Sec. of Agriculture Dan Glickman (D-KS) and Ambassador Tim Roemer (D-IN); all members of Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus. Richard Painter, associate counsel and chief ethics lawyer to President George W. Bush and member of Issue One’s Advisory Board, will also participate.

Event Details

When: 1 p.m. ET, February 16, 2016 
Where: 877‑876‑9176

Please RSVP here. 

This bipartisan group will draw on their personal experiences at the highest levels of government to explain why President Obama’s call for “better politics” must start with greater transparency in politics.

More than any other time in recent history, money in politics has dominated the presidential election landscape. Poll after poll shows the American people are frustrated with the current system and want solutions that will empower everyday people in their democracy, including more than one million petition signatories and 66 percent of Republican voters who support the proposed executive order.

Issue One’s ReFormer’s Caucus, a bipartisan group of more than 120 former governors and members of Congress committed to reducing the influence of money in politics, is reaching across the aisle to bring new leadership and ideas to the fight for reform. In December, seven Republican and seven Democratic ReFormers together sent a letter to the White House urging the President shine a light on dark money in politics.

President Obama can take an important first step on the road to “better politics” by increasing transparencyand with a bipartisan chorus of support there is no better time than now.