Event Recaps

Secretaries Chertoff, Hagel, and Panetta headlined virtual launch event for bipartisan National Council on Election Integrity

On Tuesday, October 27,  Issue One and Fix the System hosted a virtual launch event for the National Council on Election Integrity — a bipartisan group of more than 40 government, political, and civic leaders — where several members of the council discussed why it’s important to unite across party lines to vigorously defend the legitimacy of the 2020 election, count every vote, and support a free, fair, and constitutional democratic process — both before and after Election Day.

Speakers included:

  • Former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff (R)
  • Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
  • Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta (D-CA)
  • Issue One Co-Founder and CEO Nick Penniman
  • Fix the System Co-Founder and Managing Director Nilmini Rubin
  • New America CEO Anne-Marie Slaughter
  • New America’s Digital Impact and Governance Initiative Director Tomicah Tillemann

Watch a recording of the event here.

The National Council on Election Integrity — a bipartisan group of more than 40 government, political, and civic leaders who are devoted to defending the legitimacy of our elections — is a project of Issue One. The National Council on Election Integrity is sponsoring the Count Every Vote campaign to ensure that every American’s vote is counted. The full list of the more than 40 former elected officials, former Cabinet secretaries, retired military officials, and civic leaders who comprise the National Council on Election Integrity can be found online here.