Private: Strengthening the Lobbying Disclosure Act
To better reflect what lobbying looks like in 2020, Congress must update the law to make the influence industry more transparent.
Lobbying is a necessary and constitutionally protected activity — so long as it’s transparent. Too often, our existing laws are flouted via the ‘shadow lobbying’ loophole that allows former government officials to lobby without having to register their activity. We work to modernize the outdated Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), creating greater transparency around the billions special interests spend each year.
Podcast episodes
“Let me give it to you straight: Over the last decade it has become commonplace in Washington for people who lobby the government to avoid registering as lobbyists, thus…
Press releases
Issue One on Wednesday sent a letter to the leaders of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees opposing a new Pentagon proposal to weaken post-employment lobbying restrictions on former…
Press releases
This statement has been updated following a review of the executive order on ethics signed by President Trump. “At first blush, today’s executive order on ethics signed by President Trump…
Late Wednesday evening, President-elect Donald Trump took a small but important first step in following-through on his campaign’s pledge to “drain the swamp” in Washington. The administration-in-waiting said it will…
Testimonies & comments
Issue One’s memo to President-elect Trump’s administration “Crony capitalism gives us special interest tax breaks, custom-designed regulations and special exemptions for favored parties.” So said the Republican platform adopted this…