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Issue One joins government watchdogs in urging Trump administration to adopt new ethics rules

Media Contact

Cory Combs

Director of Media Relations

Issue One has joined three other government watchdog organizations in urging the Trump administration to adopt a new executive order implementing robust ethics measures, including the appointment of an ethics czar to oversee and enforce ethics rules and the establishment of a “cooling off” period before officials who leave the Trump administration can work as lobbyists.

“Ensuring transparency and ethical leadership is a critical component to restoring the public’s trust in their government and making sure that public servants are working in the public interest,” states the new letter, which was signed by Issue One, the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), Public Citizen, and Transparency International U.S.

Continued Issue One Senior Research Director Michael Beckel: “High ethical standards are critical for a functioning and accountable political system that earns the public’s trust. People are right to expect that our nation’s public servants are working in the public’s interest.”

Under President Joe Biden, presidential appointees were prohibited from lobbying the administration for at least two years after leaving their roles and barred from engaging in “shadow lobbying” for one year after leaving. As Politico reported earlier this week, Trump rescinded those rules on Inauguration Day — in one of the many executive orders he signed. He has yet to offer new ethics rules for presidential appointees to replace the policies he rescinded.