Press releases
White House OMB Director pulls back curtain on the worst of Washington
Media Contact
Cory Combs
Director of Media Relations

Issue One ReFormers Caucus Co-chair former Amb. Tim Roemer (D-IN) issued the following statement in response to White House Office of Management and Budget Director and former member of Congress Mick Mulvaney’s admission that campaign contributions were a requirement for meetings with his congressional office.
“Sadly, we have yet another candid example of the wretched pay-to-play system in Washington, DC. Director Mulvaney advised potential donors to ‘pay up’ if they wanted to be policy players. We vitally need bipartisan action, new ideas and bold reform to untether access from donations and empty the swamp.”
Issue One’s legislative framework offers a number of solutions to address transactional giving in Congress and provides a roadmap for bipartisan reform that members of Congress should undertake on Capitol Hill.
Issue: Executive Branch Ethics