Connie Morella
Former Representative (R-MD)
Nearly 200 former members of Congress, governors, and Cabinet officials united to fix our broken political system
Former Representative (R-MD)
Former Representative (D-IN) and Ambassador
Former Representative (R-TN)
Guiding Principles of the ReFormers Caucus:
19 Governors
10 Ambassadors
10 Cabinet Secretaries
197 Total Members
We as members of Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus — a bipartisan coalition made up of nearly 200 former members of Congress, governors, and Cabinet officials — urge the House Committee…
In a new letter released today, a bipartisan group of 41 members of Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus — the largest group of former elected officials ever assembled to fix our broken…
Op-ed by ReFormers Caucus Co-chairs former Amb. Tim Roemer (D-IN) and former Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN)...
Op-ed by ReFormers Caucus Co-chair Tim Roemer (D-IN)...
Podcast episodes
“You might ask, ‘How much does the voice of a former politician matter?’ Well, one politician, maybe not a lot. 10? You might be getting somewhere. 100? That’s pretty…
Press releases
The Voting Rights Act (VRA), one of the most significant and successful pieces of civil rights legislation ever passed in the United States, was signed into law 55 years ago…
Sign-on letters
Approximately 200 members of Issue One’s bipartisan ReFormers Caucus — the largest bipartisan group of former members of Congress, governors, and Cabinet officials ever assembled to advocate for political reform…
Press releases
In response to President Donald Trump’s tweet today suggesting the November election should be delayed, Issue One ReFormers Caucus Co-chairs Amb. Tim Roemer (D-IN) and Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN) released…
Press releases
Issue One statement on recent elections and the need for funding for states In response to reports of widespread election chaos experienced in Georgia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Washington, D.C., and…
Sign-on letters
Today, in an open letter to Congress published in USA Today, a bipartisan group of 110 former members of Congress, governors, and Cabinet secretaries who are all part of Issue…
In the media
Letter signed by 110 members of Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus
It is with great sadness that Issue One learned the news of the passing of former member of Congress Richard Hanna (R-NY). Rep. Hanna was a dedicated and enthusiastic member of…
Issue One offers our most sincere condolences to the family and friends of former Congressman Amo Houghton as we remember his remarkable life. Congressman Houghton was a vital and active…
Sign-on letters
Today, 5 Republicans and 4 Democrats who served in Congress urged Senate leadership to fix the Federal Election Commission by only confirming nominees who would faithfully execute the nation’s campaign…