Rep. Bob Walker (R-PA) joins the ReFormers Caucus

Issue One welcomes former Congressman Bob Walker to the largest bipartisan group of former lawmakers ever assembled to reduce the influence of money in politics: Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus.
Rep. Walker represented Pennsylvania’s 16th District for 20 years, from 1977 to 1997. He won and held the seat with at least 65 percent of the vote in every election but one.
Walker held a wide variety of leadership posts during his tenure in Congress, serving as the chairman of the Science Committee, the Republican chief deputy whip, chairman of the Republican leadership, vice chairman of the Budget Committee, and speaker pro tempore. He advocated strongly for more space and technology research, and NASA awarded him two Public Service Medals (1996 and 2004) for his work in the field.
After leaving Congress, Walker joined three presidential commissions, including chairing the Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry. He is executive chairman of Wexler Walker, a group of bipartisan consultants active in politics and policy.
Rep. Walker’s devotion to principle and knowledge of parliamentary procedure will be an asset to the work of the ReFormers Caucus as they continue efforts to fix our broken political system.
To learn more about the ReFormers, check out our latest blog posts, or visit
Issue: ReFormers Caucus