115th Congress ReFormers Caucus Lunch

  • William Gray

With the 115th Congress in full swing, a bipartisan group of Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus hosted a lunch to discuss how they could be most effective in promoting and advocating for issues critical to democracy in the coming months.

Conservative Republican Representative Ken Buck, who represents eastern Colorado and just started his second term in Congress after being his freshman class president, attended the lunch. He raised his concerns that money in politics and the dues system enforced by both parties have outsized influence when committee chairmanships are decided and legislation is proposed.

The robust discussion from Republicans and Democrats of the ReFormers Caucus, Issue One Executive Director Nick Penniman and former Ambassador Tim Roemer, focused on how the former members could best make the case for strengthening democracy through bipartisan policy proposals on Capitol Hill, in the media and at home in their former districts.

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