Sign-on letters

Broad cross-partisan coalition urges presidential candidates to disclose their big-money campaign fundraisers

 (Cross-partisan groups call on campaigns to disclose bundlers.) (Cross-partisan groups call on campaigns to disclose bundlers.)

Issue One was joined today by 15 other organizations from across the ideological spectrum in urging all Republican and Democratic presidential candidates to publicly disclose information about their top campaign fundraisers on a regular basis during the 2020 presidential election.

Presidential candidates have long utilized individuals known as “bundlers” to help them raise the funds necessary to wage competitive campaigns, and it has long been a bipartisan tradition for candidates to voluntarily disclose information about their campaign bundlers. This transparency practice has been embraced by Democrats and Republicans alike, including President George W. Bush, President Barack Obama, Senator John McCain, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. (President Donald Trump broke with tradition and did not release a list of his campaign bundlers in 2016.)

In a letter to the candidates, the groups wrote:

“Government accountability depends on transparency in our campaign finance system, and that includes transparency about presidential campaign bundlers …

“Today, we call on you to implement a system to regularly and meaningfully disclose information about your campaign bundlers …

“Implementing a robust bundler disclosure system that publicly displays information about all individuals who raise $50,000 or more for your campaign would help demonstrate your commitment to transparency as you seek your party’s presidential nomination.”

Bundlers frequently raise vast sums of money for candidates, often hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars, to curry favor with those candidates. Under both Democratic and Republican administrations, campaign bundlers have received plum postings, such as ambassadorships and positions on commissions.

The 16 organizations that signed this new letter are as follows:

Business for America National Institute on Money in Politics
Campaign Legal Center National Legal and Policy Center
Center for Responsive Politics Open the Government
Common Cause Project On Government Oversight
Issue One Public Citizen
League of Women Voters Represent.Us
Liberty Coalition Sunlight Foundation
MapLight Take Back Our Republic


The Republican and Democratic presidential candidates to whom this letter was sent are as follows:

Cory Booker Wayne Messam
Pete Buttigieg Beto O’Rourke
Julian Castro Tim Ryan
John Delaney Bernie Sanders
Tulsi Gabbard Eric Swalwell
Kirsten Gillibrand Donald Trump
Mike Gravel Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris Bill Weld
John Hickenlooper Marianne Williamson
Jay Inslee Andrew Yang
Amy Klobuchar  


Read the full letter here.