Gov. Deval Patrick joins the ReFormers Caucus

Issue One is pleased to welcome former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to the ReFormers Caucus. Governor Patrick joins 150 former elected officials from both parties — 22 of whom are also former governors — in their fight to reduce the influence of money in politics.
“Governor Patrick made history as the first and only African-American to serve as Massachusetts governor — and we look forward to making history again as he works hand-in-hand with strong Republicans like Tom Ridge to reduce the influence of money in our government and politics,” said Gabriela Schneider, senior director of communications and strategy at Issue One. “Governor Patrick is exactly the kind of principled, spirited and inclusive member of the ReFormers Caucus we continue to recruit and deploy to make this the key civic issue of our time.”
He has a proven track record of bipartisanship and pragmatism. While governor, he worked with legislators from both parties to address critical issues including education and transportation. Governor Patrick also sought to increase Massachusetts’ residents quality of healthcare by implementing his predecessor Mitt Romney’s health care plan.
He is currently the managing director of Bain Capital, where he focuses on bringing business expertise to mission-driven organizations.
Governor Patrick brings his leadership experience to our ReFormers Caucus, where his willingness to work with members from all across the political spectrum will strengthen the bipartisan coalition. Together, the members of the ReFormers Caucus will continue their work to fix our broken Congress so our legislators have the freedom lead and serve the constituencies they were elected to represent.
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Issue: ReFormers Caucus