Sign-on letters

House should move quickly to pass the Modernizing Committee recommendations

  • William Gray

Today, Issue One and 14 other groups from across the political spectrum called on members of Congress to support the Moving Our Democracy and Congressional Operations Toward Modernization (MODCOM) Resolution (H.R. 756). The legislation is comprised of nearly 30 bipartisan recommendations from the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress that would make the House more efficient and effective. 

“These positives steps are precisely what Americans are looking for from Washington at this particularly contentious moment for our nation,” the letter reads. “We believe there is now a critical window of opportunity to advance the Modernization Committee’s recommendations.” 

Read the full letter here.

The full list of organizations signing onto the letter include: 

Bipartisan Policy Center Action

College to Congress

Congressional Management Foundation

Demand Progress

Democracy Fund Voice


Issue One

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

Lincoln Network

NALEO Educational Fund

Partnership for Public Service

Pay Our Interns

Public Citizen

R Street Institute

Rebuild Congress Initiative