Issue One updates

Issue One Joins “The Democracy Group” Podcast Network

  • William Gray

Today, Issue One’s podcast “Swamp Stories” is proud to announce that it has joined a new network of podcasts called “The Democracy Group.” 

“Swamp Stories” is one of eight initial podcasts joining the network that each cover civil discourse, civic engagement, and issues of democracy. The others shows include:

Want to find other podcasts that are part of the group in the future? Just look for the light bulb on the cover art. Sign up for The Democracy Group newsletter to receive curated playlists, event invitations, and the latest from each podcast right in your inbox.

About the Democracy Group

The Democracy Group is a network of podcasts united around the goal of helping listeners understand what’s broken in our democracy, and how people are working together to fix it. We see the network as a public service dedicated to creating a more informed, civically engaged electorate. Podcasts in this network model a form of dialogue and inquiry that is civil and well-informed and a commitment to fostering civic engagement. You’ll hear from scholars, policy experts, journalists, organizers, and everyday people who are exercising the rights and responsibilities as democratic citizens. Learn more at