Issue One on MSNBC’s Morning Joe: It’s time to end the two party blame game

  • William Gray

Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus Co-chair Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN) appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe this morning to address the need for Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill to end the win-at-all-costs political culture that resulted in the government shutdown and instead focus on solutions to fix the broken political system. 

“From the middle of America, this looks like the two-party blame game continuing…The political parties have hijacked the leadership of our country — they are motivated by fundraising, by winning elections [they’re] not motivated by solving our problems. The American people want problems solved, the government fixed and they want it to run on time,” he said.

Watch the full segment here.

Rep. Wamp also promoted Issue One’s convening on March 15 in Philadelphia, “Renewing the Founders’ Promise” with Pulitzer Prize-winning historians Joseph Ellis and Jon Meacham, as well as Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus in partnership with the National Constitution Center. 

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