Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus: It Is Time to Come Together

  • William Gray

Ahead of tonight’s Congressional Baseball Game, which has a bipartisan history dating back more than 100 years, Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus delivered a message of unity to Capitol Hill. 

Issue One's Ad ahead of the Congressional Baseball Game

Today, Republicans and Democrats will play on the same field for the love of our great American game. 

Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus is calling both parties to take that same spirit of cooperation back to Congress in the days ahead for the love of our Republic.

We have been on the Hill talking with many lawmakers about bipartisan efforts to help members spend less time fundraising and more time governing. Our coalition of 181 former members of Congress and governors — Republicans and Democrats — equally committed to strengthening our democracy, urge members of Congress to find common ground to begin returning government to the American people.


See Issue One’s ad in Roll Call. 

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