Rep. Earl Hutto (D-FL) Joins the ReFormers Caucus

  • Malek Robbana

Issue One welcomes former Florida Representative Earl Hutto to the ReFormers Caucus, Issue One’s bipartisan coalition working on passing game-changing legislation to return our government to the people. The ReFormers Caucus is the largest group of former lawmakers ever assembled on behalf of ethics and money in politics.

Rep. Hutto represented Florida’s First District from 1979 to 1995, known as one of the most conservative Democrats in Congress during his tenure. Throughout his eight terms, Congressman Hutto co-sponsored a number of bills to ensure the American government responded to the will of the people. These included the Campaign Contribution Reform Act of 1979 that aimed to curb contributions to campaigns; the House Commission on Congressional Reform Act of 1991 to bolster public confidence in the House through an entity that would make recommendations to improve institutional accountability, efficiency and effectiveness of Congress; H.R. 965 to limit the outside earned income of senators while in office; and H.Res 310 to lengthen the waiting period before floor action on any legislation, to ensure appropriate time to delve into the complexities of policies.

Congressman Hutto also has experience as a broadcaster, serving for two years as the WSFA-TV Sports Director in Alabama.

The politics of today are a far cry from what Congressman Hutto experienced in the House. “I’m glad I’m not there now,” Mr. Hutto told the WSFA. “It’s so partisan. So much bickering. But I have good friends on both sides of the aisle.”

Rep. Hutto devotion to principle and his willingness to work on substantial topics regardless of party lines will be an asset to the work of the ReFormers Caucus as they continue efforts to fix our broken political system.

To learn more about the ReFormers, check out our latest blog posts, or visit

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