Rep. John Miller (R-WA) joins the ReFormers Caucus

  • Malek Robbana

Issue One is excited to welcome former Washington Republican Congressman John Miller to the ReFormers Caucus. Congressman John Miller joins 160 former members of Congress and governors from both sides of the aisle who are dedicated to returning government to the people.

Congressman Miller represented Washington’s 1st District for four terms, from 1985 to 1993. Prior to his election to the House, Miller served in state and municipal governments, as assistant attorney general for Washington, vice president and legal counsel for the Washington Environmental Council, and Seattle city councilman.

While in the House of Representatives, Congressman Miller championed U.S. efforts to promote human rights worldwide. Once out of Congress, he fought for public awareness of modern day slavery as Ambassador At-Large for the U.S. State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. Rep. Miller later taught at both George Washington and Yale Universities and continues to serve as a distinguished scholar of international affairs at the Discovery Institute.

Congressman Miller brings years of leadership to the ReFormers Caucus. We are thrilled to have him on board.

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