Rep. Jon Christensen (R-NE) joins the ReFormers Caucus

  • Malek Robbana

Issue One welcomes former Nebraska Republican Representative Jon Christensen to the ReFormers Caucus.

During his time in Congress representing Nebraska’s 2nd District from 1995 to 1999, Christensen served on the House Ways and Means Committee. He proposed an Amendment to the Constitution in 1997 to establish congressional term limits. With the aim of protecting small businesses, Rep. Christensen also authored the Independent Contractor Tax Simplification Act which proposed substituting a simple three-factor test to replace the existing 20-factor test to determine (for tax purposes) who is a contractor rather than an employee.

Currently, Rep. Christensen is Managing Partner of Appo-G, LLC and an attorney for Husch Blackwell’s Technology, Manufacturing and Transportation industry team in Washington, DC.

We are delighted that Congressman Christensen is bringing his experience to the ReFormers Caucus to help fix our broken political system.

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