Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) joins the ReFormers Caucus

  • Jenn Roche

Issue One is pleased to welcome former North Carolina Republican Congresswoman, Sue Myrick, to the ReFormers Caucus. Congresswoman Myrick joins more than 150 former elected officials committed to reducing the influence of money in politics.

In her 18-year-long career in office, Congresswoman Myrick served as the deputy majority whip, the vice chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee and the founder of the Anti-Terrorism Caucus. She supported the enactment of several bills related to women’s health, specifically breast cancer treatment.

Rep. Myrick also has a history of supporting campaign finance reform. In 2001, she voted yes on banning soft money donations to national political parties.

Congresswoman Myrick brings decades of experience working on Capitol Hill to the ReFormers Caucus.

To learn more about the ReFormers, check out our latest blog posts, or visit

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