Issue One is excited to announce that former Representative Zach Wamp (R-TN), an ardent conservative from Chattanooga, has agreed to co-chair Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus. He will serve along with former Representative and Ambassador to India Tim Roemer (D-IN) and former Representative Connie Morella (R-MD).
“‘Drain the Swamp’ shouldn’t just be a campaign slogan, but inspiration and guidance for policymaking throughout Washington,” said Wamp. “The ReFormers Caucus stands ready to ensure that rhetoric turns into reality.”
Citing the bipartisan makeup of the ReFormers Caucus, Wamp said, “Working across the aisle is imperative to effect real change. There is no better cause for both parties to fight for than reducing the undue power special interests, unions and money hold over our lawmakers and government.”
Together with Caucus co-chairs Roemer and Morella, Wamp will help direct the Caucus’s strategy, serve as a liaison to Capitol Hill and help make the case for why fixing the broken democratic process is the critical issue of our time.
“Zach Wamp isn’t afraid to fight the establishment and shake up politics. I worked with him in Congress and know he’s often successful in his efforts,” said Roemer. “He’s a true believer in helping average Americans and in fixing a broken political system that often ignores their priorities. I’m thrilled to be working with him on revitalizing our democratic process and making our government more responsive to all of our citizens.”
Wamp served in the House for more than 15 years and was a senior member on the House Appropriations Committee. He was also co-chair of the House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus. In 2002, he voted in favor of the last major piece of money-in-politics legislation passed by Congress, the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act.
The ReFormers Caucus, comprised of 170 former members of Congress and governors from both parties, is committed to returning government to the people and restoring trust in our democratic institutions. Wamp’s experience, insights and guidance will be incredible assets to achieving those goals.