Podcast episodes

Swamp Stories Episode 36: Piggy Bank


Imagine a world in which a member of Congress could take money from a corporation and put it in a special bank account that’s supposed to be used to provide political support for their allies in Congress, but instead uses the money to eat at opulent restaurants, buy airline tickets, or pay for lodging at luxury hotels.

Well, it doesn’t take too much to imagine all of this, because Washington has become so swampy that this is actually how things work.

In episode 36, Weston takes another look at leadership PACs, exploring how these campaign accounts have strayed from their original intent and been used by some lawmakers as a ticket to a more lavish lifestyle — with much of this money coming from corporations looking to curry favor with members of Congress.

Listeners will hear from:

  • Brendan Fischer, Director of Federal Reform at Campaign Legal Center
  • Former Congressman Chris Shays (R-CT)

Listen to the newest “Swamp Stories” episode: “Piggy Bank