New “Truthtellers” video: There is no downside to vote by mail for Republicans
Media Contact
Cory Combs
Director of Media Relations

Today, Issue One released the sixth, and final, episode in its “Truthtellers” video series that exposes the massive disinformation campaign about the 2020 election that former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters continue to spread.
The new video, called “No Downside to Vote by Mail,” explores how mail voting has proven to be reliable, secure, and hasn’t made it harder for Republicans to get elected. In many places, like Utah, which conducts its elections entirely by mail, it’s been the exact opposite: In the two senate elections since Utah started voting by mail, Republicans have received 68% and 62% of the vote. Today, all four of Utah’s representatives in the House are Republicans after the lone Democrat incumbent lost in 2020.
Each episode in the unique “Truthtellers” series examines different widespread false claims in a short video, one of the few places where a Republican is taking on the former president’s lies for his fellow conservatives and setting the record straight for the many Americans unsure about the facts of the 2020 election.
The first five episodes combined have already been viewed over 2 million times across social media. “Truthtellers” is part of an ongoing effort by Issue One and its National Council on Election Integrity to combat disinformation, ensure our elections are secure, and protect the freedom to vote.
Watch all previous episodes and learn more about the “Truthtellers” project.