New “Truthtellers” video: Virginia made it easier to vote — and Republicans won big
Conservative millennial political reformer Weston Wamp continues to set the record straight about lingering election disinformation
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Cory Combs
Director of Media Relations

Today, Issue One released the fourth episode in its “Truthtellers” video series that exposes the massive disinformation campaign about the 2020 election that former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters continue to spread.
The new video, called “Look at Virginia,” explores the case of a state where Democrats made elections much more accessible — including adopting more early voting, no excuse absentee voting, automatic voter registration for anyone with a driver’s license, and making Election Day a state holiday. These were many of the same reforms that were at the center of this year’s hyper-partisan debate in Congress around voting rights.
The result? Republicans in Virginia won big in the election after these sweeping reforms were adopted. Tellingly, there were no allegations of fraud in the Virginia races. As host Weston Wamp — a millennial conservative political reformer, and host of Issue One’s “Swamp Stories” podcast — points out “There is a basic lesson to be learned from Virginia – that when more people vote in safe, secure, and fair elections, we all win.”
Each episode in the unique “Truthtellers” series examines different widespread false claims in a short video, one of the few places where a Republican is taking on the former president’s lies for his fellow conservatives and setting the record straight for the many Americans unsure about the facts of the 2020 election.
The first three episodes combined have already been viewed nearly 2 million times across social media. Two more videos in the series are planned as part of a larger, continued effort by Issue One and its National Council on Election Integrity to combat disinformation, ensure our elections are secure, and protect the freedom to vote.
Learn more about the “Truthtellers” project.