ReFormer Sen. Alan Simpson to GOP Debate: Discuss Solutions to Money in Politics

Today, Time published an op-ed by Sen. Alan Simpson (R-WY), co-chair of Issue One’s Advisory Board and active member of our ReFormers Caucus. In this piece, the former GOP senator urges the Republican presidential candidates participating in tonight’s debate to seize the moment and share their solutions for the problem they all decry of money’s outsized dominance in our political system:
…there has been a lack of serious proposals to reform our broken political system throughout all of the past presidential debates. It means we have abdicated our responsibility to the public to keep them informed on the most pressing issues of our time. And it means Republican candidates have a huge opportunity in Las Vegas on Tuesday to answer the calls of voters, by laying out specific plans on how to make sure democracy works for everyone.
Hear, hear, Senator! Let’s hope they heed your call.
Issue: ReFormers Caucus