
Look Who is Right on the Money

  • William Gray

Before Donald Trump was for accepting donations from wealthy donors, he was attacking it. But as one Republican said, “If there is one thing that unites both parties up here, it’s money.” Today, we’re launching a new resource called “Right on the Money” to highlight conservative and Republican research, polling and statements from elected officials, thought-leaders and voters about reducing the influence of special interests in Washington.

Right on the Money is a collection of the best statements, polling and research from Republicans and conservatives concerned about the role of money in politics and accountability. It is an ongoing project of Issue One. Below you’ll find a small sample of Right on the Money. To see the full project visit

See more at Right on the Money.

Quote and image sources:

Reagan image by Jay Phagan, Flickr / Source: American Presidency Project

Romney image by Gage Skidmore, Flickr / Source: The Huffington Post

“Sweeping Laws” stat via Ipsos Poll

Work Together stat via Ipsos Poll

Paul image by Gage Skidmore, Flickr / Source: Independent Journal Review

McCain source: Reuters

Kasich image by Gage Skidmore, Flickr / Source: NPR

“Mad as Hell” stat via Bloomberg Poll